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Is Your Mind Empty?

Much has been written about the mind which many equate to a computer which is in many ways. If you read Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz he writes about discovering the success mechanism within you. We all are built for success yet our success is determined by what we put in our minds. Is your mind empty?

Animals don’t have a creative imagination such as man does. But man as a whole does not use his/her mind in a creative fashion. Most people want to be led or followers and not tax their minds.

We all have a goal-striving mechanism yet the mind is only going to strive to reach whatever goals you have in your mind. Most people are looking for the easy way out of doing things.

When I talk to people about financial independence and acquiring such by investing in notes over a period of time. Most have no interest because the concept is new and they do not want to think outside the box. Or I get the answer “sounds like a lot of work.” Yes, all meaning full things in life come about by working and putting in an effort.

I just finished a book by Napoleon Hill titled “Outwitting The Devil”. What I found interesting are the following points he makes:

  1. All space must be and is filled with something.
  2. When the individual does not use the brain for expression of positive, creative thoughts, nature fills the vacuum by forcing the brain to act upon negative thoughts.
  3. All negative desires are nothing but frustrations of positive desires.
  4. Nature will not tolerate idleness or vacuums of any sort. All space must be filled with something.

As the Devil points out he controls 98 out of 100 minds because of drifting. Or another way of putting it 98% have no definite purpose in life. What is your purpose?

I just listened to a YouTube interview with Mark Cuban owner of the Dallas Mavericks and the young lady interviewing him asked what did he attribute his success to? His reply “I was willing to do the work that others were not willing to do.” What is your excuse?

If you have questions, please CONTACT ME or we can make a FREE 30 MINUTE CONSULTATION.

Is your mind empty?

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