notes create cash flow notes harmless

Don’t Be Afraid of Notes They are Harmless

Don’t Be Afraid of Notes They are Harmless

Let me tell you something about the idea of notes. When I was exposed to the concept of notes my eyes glazed over. I had never heard about notes as an item you could purchase, hold, reperform, make money, use as collateral and the list goes on and on. I owned a house and investment property but never looked at notes that all these things could be done.

I enrolled in a class and read books. There was a lot of information to absorb. I have never been the sharpest tack in the box. Terms used like CLTV (combined loan to value) which I had never heard of let alone had any idea of their meaning.

The cost of the classes was not cheap. It was at that point that I decided that if I ever teach others to do the business the cost would be a fraction of what I paid. Yes, education is not cheap. You learn from your mistakes or from others. Yet I have learned since then there are ways you can learn but do so at a reasonable cost.

Someone at a class asked me did I have a financial calculator and I answered with a blank look no I did not. So I went out and bought one installed on my iPhone and I was good to go. Then I found out there was a book out there by Jimmy Napier that taught you how to calculate (10bii) as it pertains to notes. You definitely need one of those.

If you are going to work notes you can do it one of two ways (1) Passive investor (2) Active investor. It did not take me long to figure out that Active was the way to go for me. I can tell you from experience that there is a learning curve involved which is the case with any new concept you are exposed to.
Well, the truth be known it took me 6 months to get my legs on the ground so to speak. There was so much to learn and remember. I forced myself to spend the money to go to classes and conventions where note investors gathered.

In this business, networking is very important. It takes time to be exposed to the different aspects of the note business. You have to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff. Like so many other businesses you have people who are trying to sell courses and sources of information but are not concerned about you. Also, many of these people do not have note experience just book knowledge.

Over a period of time, I have been able to meet and associate myself with knowledgeable people who will extend their hand to help you out versus the sharks. I have assembled a team of experts who I rely on to assist me in my business as well as assembling a knowledge base for my students.

I have material to sell as well as a basic note course but I don’t push people into it as that is not why I am in the note business. When people ask for learning material I have it available if they want it.

If you have questions, please CONTACT ME or we can make a FREE 30 MINUTE CONSULTATION.

Don’t Be Afraid of Notes They are Harmless.

Don’t Be Afraid of Notes They are Harmless.

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