notescreatcashflow christmas

Christmas 2019

Christmas 2019

When I lived in Chicago 12 years ago I belonged to an organization called Little Brothers of the Elderly that I volunteer for well over 15 years. We would go and deliver meals to elderly people that lived in public housing or by themselves. Many of them were in poor health and in numerous cases had no family to turn to to help or care for them.

Every Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas I would along with another volunteer delivering meals or if they were in a nursing home take them a present.

The organization had problems getting volunteers to go to visit those folks on the Southside of Chicago where there were sections that one would call ROUGH, to say the least. People of my skin color did not want to go to that part of town.

I can remember one year two volunteers did not show up so I ended agreeing to deliver18 meals which took almost 12 hours. At the end of the day, I was exhausted but put a lot of smiles on people’s faces. Many of the elderly did not care so much you brought them a meal as all they wanted to do was talk as they were so lonely.

This brings me around to the point that on Christmas Day there will be doctors, nurses, firemen and women, first responders, policemen, and women as well as men and women in the military who are giving up a part of their Christmas so we can enjoy ours. (I have left out a lot of others unintentionally).

If you were to be in need of help on Christmas day then you just take for granted that there would be help available that would include one of the above. If your house caught on fire you would not expect to call the fire department and get a recording saying “we re closed Christmas Day.’

So when you are enjoying your Christmas Day be mindful of the people who may not be able to do so because they are providing you a service you probably feel you are entitled to.

If you have questions, please CONTACT ME or we can make a FREE 30 MINUTE CONSULTATION.

Christmas 2019

Christmas 2019

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