
Check The Numbers Before Pulling The Trigger

Three questions you make sure you ask yourself when it comes to
investing in an apartment or commercial investment property….

1. Are The Numbers Real and Can They Be Verified?
2. Five Years From Now Will This Location Be Attractive To You?
3. Renters and Possible Buyers Of This Apartment Property?


Do I Want To Be A Landlord Or An Investor? (Probably First Question).

I just got done reading an article in a local paper where a guy owns
a property that is in a bad area with bad tenants (some of actually
assaulted this guy) and is not surprisingly tired of being a Landlord.
The other thing is the numbers he used when buying the property
looked good but now the property is not meeting it projections –
not even close.


I hear and see this stuff happen a lot. Our friend here is not alone.

What a huge benefit he would have had if he asked just these three
questions before he purchased this apartment project. What looked
great now becomes the nightmare.

Make sure you ask these three simple questions before you invest in
your next project.

Boyd McClean


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