Collecting On A Non performing Note

Collecting On A Non-performing Note

Collecting On A Non-performing Note

What I want to talk to you about today is collecting on a non performing note. You may be known as non performing you either going to click on it yourself or you’re going to hire somebody to do it. If you want to hire somebody to do it that’s fine. It can get expensive but if you’re going to do it yourself don’t be like a bull in a china shop. Don’t go after the people like why haven’t you pay your long your way behind you gotta be very gentle about it and first of all wanted a question you have to ask us would cost you to get in arrears on your mortgage. 

It could be deaf the force disability drugs a lot of different things can happen to put the people by and see you need to know that you can go out see you gotta pay this you gotta pay that without sitting down and discussing it with him or least do that on the phone so you understand what their predicament is that’s one of the reasons why banks sell non-performing notes they’re not good at dealing with debtors. 

just give very frustrated about it so that’s where you have an advantage you have to treat each person with respect you have to ask questions as to why they got in that position also learn about their financial situation. You might find out after talking to them that they can afford to stay and that house i would there’s a 1003 for me you could have them fell out and get off the internet banks have a people fell out of them going to make an application for a loan which you will list all their assets in their liabilities and you need to know that you need to know there’s enough money coming in each month that they can afford to pay.

On your know maybe they can then you have to come to the realization they can’t stay there and you have to let them know that they can’t stay there because they don’t have the income and that will happen a lot of times.

If you want to know more about notes, please contact me or we can make a Free 30-minute Consultation.

Collecting On A Non-performing Note

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