
Is Innovation Dead?

I recently heard a recording by Jay Baer who was attending a convention put on by IBM in Las Vegas called IBM Impact @ InterConnect – 2015 Global Conference.  Jay was making the point that innovation maybe dead or sort of dead.


In today’s environment, whether or not it is in the computer technology sector or any other field, that what is going on is improvement on what already exists. And that was the point that IBM was making by holding this event. Is innovation all that important (I am not advocating that we should not innovate) or should we be squeezing more productivity out of what we already have.

I can remember as a child reading Dick Tracy in the cartoon section of the paper where Dick used his watch as a two-way radio. Now we have Apple among others coming out with computer based watches. These are improvement over Dick’s cartoon watch.

Fifty plus years ago when I was on the farm we had a 1940’s Chevy pickup truck that had an ignition with a key in it and you started it by pushing a starter button. Well it is 2015 and many of your up scale cars such as BMW have push button starters. For years it was all in one ignition key and starter.

Steve Jobs took a mobile phone and turned it into a mobile computer. He upgraded the hand-held phone into a high-tech device.

Today we have all sorts of companies selling and promoting weight loss programs and pills as a solution to our over eating. My mother would always say loosing weight is very simple “reduce your calorie intake.” So true, yet as a nation the weight loss industry is a multi-million dollar industry and growing, yet they would be put out of business if all we did was “reduce calorie intake”.


Let me hear from you is Innovation dead?


Boyd McClean

www. noteswilltravel.com

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