notes create cash flow decision

Are You Making Investment Decisions On BS Information?

Are You Making Investment Decisions On BS Information?

I am sure that in the last several days you have been flooded with ads about weight loss, buying fitness equipment or membership in a health club at a 50% discount for the month of January.

When you look at these ads they are full of people who are beautiful, fit, smiling and they make exercise look and feel so easy. You and I both know that is a lot of BS. Why? Well, nothing in life that is worthwhile is easy.

I can tell you from experience it is tough. Every Friday I am up at 3:30 AM to be out the door heading to the pool to do my mile swim. Why so early? Because I have to be back at my desk to attend to business. When you have investors living overseas and in four-time zones, you need to be ready to start your day.

Investing is not easy. It is not like the pictures in ads showing people smiling and all happy about their investments.
When you invest where do you get your information from? Is it someone who is in the trenches every day working to make sure that your investment is performing and is secure. Or do you get your information from printed material or on the internet claiming how easy it is to invest and the money will come just pouring in?

Someone has to do the heavy lifting seven days a week. When it is 6:00 PM Sunday evening here in Texas it is 8:00 AM Monday in Asia. You don’t tell a client you will call them back at a time that is convenient for you. Or you are buying notes (non-performing) that have issues to be worked out you are working with Lawyers, CPA’s and Banks in multiple time zones to get the issues resolved. Many times it is very difficult to work issues out that are conflicting with State and Federal Laws. Because of changes in laws in many states you have to be aware that what was legal last week has changed.

When you buy notes there is a collateral file that gives the history of the note and it has documentation missing which can hold up a transaction for weeks. If you do not get this information before money changes hands your note could end up being worthless.

I have an accepted bid made on six notes that when the collateral file was sent there was no proof of payment on the notes. These notes are worthless right now because I am buying non-performing 2nds that have no proof as to what the outstanding balance really is. Without that information, I would not have a leg to stand on so to speak should legal action be necessary for the future. That is why investors do business with me because I do the heavy listing.

So when you go to invest make sure that you know who is going to be doing the heavy lifting. Will it be you or the individual who has put the proposed deal together.

If you have questions, please CONTACT ME or we can make a FREE 30 MINUTE CONSULTATION.

Are You Making Investment Decisions On BS Information?

Are You Making Investment Decisions On BS Information?

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