
Boyd McClean

Don’t Travel To New Zealand or USA. You Have No Habeas Corpus.

Habeas Corpus was part of the Magna Carta during the time of King John of England in 1215. What it said is that government officials could not imprison people without just cause. Prisoners had the right to go before a judge to determine whether incarceration was justified. Just because the government in its wisdom accused […]

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The Huckster

Predicting the future is a very hard thing to do especially when it involves investments. Calls come into my office quite regularly by people trying to sell gold, silver, stocks, and gas oil. They make claims about how wealthy you can get. They have all kinds of voodoo evidence as to how these investments are

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Are You Relevant?

The Following is by Jeff Watson a lawyer in Ohio By Jeff Watson on Jun 30, 2015 in Uncategorized | 0 comments I had the opportunity recently to learn from a man who challenged much of what I knew about how adults learn. Mr. Jeff Hurt was a speaker at the Mid-Year Convention hosted by

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