buy a note sight unseen

Would You Buy A Note Sight Unseen?

Would You Buy A Note Sight Unseen?

I was talking to an investor a couple of days ago about an upcoming non-performing note investment that looked very good for 2020.

This was an investor that has NOT invested in any apartment communities here as of yet. He has been ‘with me’ for now for a number of months and is now starting to think that he may get into his first Note inveI was talking to an investor a couple of days ago about an upcoming apartment property investment that looked very good for 2020.

This was an investor that has NOT invested in any apartment communities here as of yet. He has been ‘with me’ for now for a number of months and is now starting to think that he may get into his first Non-performing note deal here in the next month or so.

It’s time.

And obviously, I think that is a good decision, especially with the economic, political and social uncertainty, we are looking at – especially over the next 12 or more months.

But what I want to talk about though is a question that he asked me and the answer that I gave him which I think really surprised him. And..it may surprise you too.

note-create cash flow Would You Buy A Note Sight Unseen

The question was, basically, “How many investors actually come to you (in Iowa) and look at what they either own or are going to invest in?”

I think a good and fair question. Don’t you?

Now, before I answer I want you to think, in terms of percentages, what the answer would be.

Do you think 80%, 90% or maybe even more investors come and inspect their apartment or investment properties?

What is your answer?

Got it?

Well, here is the REAL answer…


That is correct! Less than 10% of the investors that choose to work with me an own this kind of real estate actually come here to inspect their properties.

And I am ALSO talking even AFTER they own them too.

Less than 10%

What are the reasons? Well, that could take up a 5-page email so let’s not go there.

But I will mention ONE big reason: I make it very easy to own and profit from great return investment real estate properties, professionally owned and managed while the investor has a life of his or her own.

And most of our investors end up owning more than one non-performing note.

So, what I am going to do for the many investors that are probably beside themselves in learning this little fact is give you an opportunity to see for yourself what it is like to own investment real estate in the next month or so.

It’s time.

And obviously I think that is a good decision, especially with the economic, political and social uncertainty, we are looking at – especially over the next 12 or more months.

But what I want to talk about though is a question that he asked me and the answer that I gave him which I think really surprised him.

And..it may surprise you too.

The question was, basically, “How many investors actually Take the time to sit down and go over the offer I send them.

I think a good and fair question. Don’t you?

Now, before I answer I want you to think, in terms of percentages, what the answer would be.

Do you think 80%, 90% or maybe even more investors come and inspect their apartment or investment properties?

What is your answer?

Got it?

Well, here is the REAL answer…


That is correct! Less than 10% of the investors that choose to work with me and own this kind of real estate actually come here to inspect their properties.

And I am ALSO talking even AFTER they own them too.

Less than 10%

What are the reasons? Well, that could take up a 5-page email so let’s not go there.

But I will mention ONE big reason: I make it very easy to own and notes from great return investment notes, professionally owned and managed while the investor has a life of his or her own.

And most of our investors end up owning more than one note too!

That they don’t inspect!

So, what I am going to do for the many investors that are probably beside themselves in learning this little fact is give you an opportunity to see for yourself what it is like to own investment real estate

I would be happy to show you the workings of a rehabbed non-performing note and how it continues to throw off monthly income.

I must admit that this can be boring as you do nothing but just collect mailbox money every month unless of course, you want to invest in another and keep the cycle going.

If you have questions, please CONTACT ME or we can make a FREE 30 MINUTE CONSULTATION.

Would You Buy A Note Sight Unseen?

Would You Buy A Note Sight Unseen?

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