
Is Fear Holding You Back

One of the things I find is that there are many people who want to be successful in the real estate business. In many cases, they spend thousands of dollars on educational material so they have some knowledge of what to do. Yet, on the other hand, they never move forward. I have talked to people who tell me they have spent up to $65,000 for training, yet they never do anything. Why is that? it is FEAR.


Yes, FEAR holds people back. Many people tell me they are very fearful of losing their money. What a lot of them don’t realize is you do not have to have a lot of money. Today I wrote a contract on a mobile home in San Antonio, TX and tied it up for a $1.00 using an option contract.

Now let me say this very straightforward, it may make you angry.

You can get wealthy without staring FEAR in the face every day and staring it down. How do you expect to achieve your goals in life if you are going to allow FEAR to paralyze you? What do you think will happen to your goals and dreams, they will never materialize and you will not become rich in real estate.

If you can’t face this invisible thought you will never become successful as an owner of real estate or in fact, you will not be successful at many things in life because you have what I call “stinking thinking.”

By the way, the MAIN reason you have not reached your goals and dreams yet has one way or another to do with FEAR.

I could write a small book on all the fears that you have probably had or are having but I won’t do …you know what they are.

Let’s look at your choices.

Stare fear in the face and go for it…Be prepared to fail once in a while too! You will have to step out of your comfort zone in terms of risk and what you are prepared to do.


Now if you can’t do this, then you need to stop complaining and whining and accept your self-imposed limits on your life. It will save you a lot of pain. Do you ever notice the people that do a lot of complaints are the ones who make excuses for their shortcomings?

We would not have the iPhone or easy access to the internet today if it were not for people like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. They had fears but they faced them and took action.

Until you are ready to face the mind game you are playing with yourself you will just live a mediocre life.

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