notescreatecashflow notes are for risk takers

Notes are For Risk-Takers?

Notes are For Risk-Takers?

Are you a risk-taker or a play it safe person?

There are two types of risk-takers.

  1. Reckless
  2. Those that have done their due diligence.

If you are reckless type then notes are not fo you. You are the type that is very emotional and makes decisions without doing your research or set an investment goal. You are probably one who buys cars, boats, etc because it looks or feels good.

If you are not a reckless type then you realize that life is full of risk but it is not necessary to take an unrealistic risk that stacks the odds against you.

Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, prior Presidents of our country all took risks. If you are not willing to step off the curb to cross the street you will get nowhere in life. You will live a very mediocre life and not be happy. Over 75% of the working public HATE their job. Are you one of those?

Why is it that way? It is because we are brought up in most cases by our parents who preach get an education and then a job until you retire. Don’t try and do anything differently because it is tooooo risky. Work for and an employer who will control most of your adult life.

I am not suggesting you leave your JOB today but start making plans to live your life’s dream. Don’t be afraid to dream. Bill Gates did it so did Steve Jobs and as a result, those two have had a profound effect on our lives.

Failure is a part of life. I have failed at many things but never gave up. I use to have a company that imported Farmed Green Turtle meat and products from the Cayman Islands and was put out of business by government regulation. Did I give up? No. I just found an area in the business world that allowed me to use my talents.

Most people lack goals and self-confidence and think they can never live their dream. You don’t necessarily have to leave your present job. I started the Green Sea Turtle business while working full time for a large international hospitality company. It was not easy but I was doing something I enjoyed.

Did you know that 77% of the total wealth in the US is owned by 8% of earners? Are you part of the 8% or you just can’t be bothered to put in the effort that is necessary to be part of this group.

Some time ago I met a man who owned 30 single-family homes in San Antonio as rentals and held a fulltime job. I asked him why he was still working and he replied he enjoyed his job. Yet he did say it was nice to have the income from the homes because he had what most people dream of….financial independence.

If you have questions about notes send me an email at boyd@boydmcclean.com or set up a 30-minute phone call free.

Notes are For Risk-Takers

Notes are For Risk-Takers

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