
Super Bowel 2015


 You know there has been a lot of hype and millions of dollars spent on promoting the event. I saw this week several ads that are to be aired, such as the cute one by Budweiser with the cute puppy and Clydesdale horses.

Let me ask you what is your Super Bowel? What are you doing to be a winner? Are you out to win or just exist? The two teams that will paly today had to fight hard to get to this very day. They had wins as well as losses. Yet they did not allow the losses get them down, they just forged ahead until they made it to the top.

I am a hockey fan and my favorite team the Toronto Maple Leafs at this writing has had 8 losses in a row. Their coached was fired in mid season and they lost all desire to win. They threw in the towel. Now they have passed up a chance to be in the play offs for the prized Stanley Cup. They are operating on stinking thinking and there results show it.

Are you operating on stinking thinking or are you pressing ahead to win regardless of the set backs you may have had. We all have failures in life. Show me a person that is on top of their game that did not have failures along the way.

Go out and win your Super Bowel 2015 and beyond.



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